How to Host an Awards Ceremony

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how to host an awards ceremony

Hosting an awards ceremony is never a ‘show up and throw up’. It’s a partnership between you and the organiser to make sure that:

* Their vision is realised
* The audience get a great experience
* Timings are met
* Energy levels are kept high
* Everyone gets a chance to shine!

Huge thanks to Meena Chander (MSC) Founder of MK STEM Awards for offering me the opportunity to partner with her to host the MK STEM AWARDS 2025, a true celebration of ingenuity and positivity from people as young as nine years old (hello Cosmic Superstars 😊) through to lifetime achievement awards for those who have dedicated their careers to inspiring and helping others.

From practical applications of AI to help transport users with disabilities (, through to smart glasses for people with visual impairments (Mavis Technologies Limited), and from teaching children coding without the use of computers (waving at you Unplugged Tots!) through to the OG’s of inclusive learning that is The Open University, there were so many brilliant stories and so much goodwill in the room from nominees and winners alike.

We also had exceptional speeches from Emily Darlington MP and Eman Martin-Vignerte on the power we have to challenge misconceptions about our communities or individual capabilities when we showcase our talents and push for fairer access to opportunities.

There was also some phenomenal Bollywood violin playing and impromptu dancing that confirmed my suspicion the guests would make a brilliant wedding party 💃🕺

For the full run down of the event and more information on who the brightest and best STEM talents are in the Milton Keynes area, give Meena a follow! And if you’re looking for an awards host you can truly trust and partner with – drop me a line 📨

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