Absolute Scenes – exciting new book from Toni Kent in 2024

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Absolute Scenes! An image that shows the landing page on Patreon.
Absolute Scenes <according to Urban Dictionary>
When something mental happens when all hope seems lost. Usually used in British football culture.
If you listened to the last episode of The Toni Daily podcast, you’ll hear me describe the moment of clarity I had about dedicating this year to writing. From that moment I’ve felt pretty energised – there’s nothing like telling people of your plans to make them more likely to happen!
And so it is that I’m announcing the working title for my new book; Absolute Scenes.
Absolute Scenes! An image that shows the landing page on Patreon.
It’s a work in progress and you can join in the journey too! Committing myself to the task of getting the book written and published will involve some personal risk (in sharing stories that are pretty revealing) and financial risk too – it’s for this reason that I’ve set up an Absolute Scenes Patreon page where you can subscribe either for free or for a small monthly amount to offer your moral or financial support – both will be very welcome!

What is Absolute Scenes then?

It’s a book that’s designed to do a few things – chief among which is to help anyone who has a council estate background, and now finds themself in corporate life, to feel heard and more comfortable. It’s also a bit of a celebration of working class culture as well as acknowledging the tightrope that you walk when you feel torn between two worlds.

What can readers expect?

Expect absolute scenes from life! Whether it’s raving in a disused psychiatric hospital, or wanting to punch a colleague in the face for being a stuck up b***ard, it’ll allll be going in there 😉

What do patrons get?

If you’ve signed up for free, you’ll get loads of updates and snapshots of content. If you pay to subscribe,  you’ll get goodies like photos and longer reads. And, when it comes to the launch, there’ll be lots more to enjoy besides – this process is a work in progress 😀

Want to share your Absolute Scenes?

Something I plan to get out of this book is a conversation. One in which those of us from working class (and, more specifically, council estate) backgrounds, can share our experiences without fear of people turning their noses up. It’s happened to me more than once in the workplace, and it doesn’t need to be like that anymore. If you’d like to share your stories, do sign up to the Absolute Scenes Patreon (you don’t have to be a paid subscriber just yet) and let me know!

Talking about Absolute Scenes

Want to book me to come and share my stories before the book comes out? Drop a note to me via the contact form.

Toni xx

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